Move Forward Out of Poverty

Community Services Block Grant
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is a federally funded block grant in the Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides funds to states, territories, and tribes to administer to support services that alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in under resourced communities. Tribes, territories, and over 1,000 local Community Action Agencies provide CSBG funded services and activities including housing, nutrition, utility, and transportation assistance; employment, education, and other income and asset building services; crisis and emergency services; and community asset building initiatives, among other things. Over 9 million individuals are served by CSBG-funded programs annually.
Family Centered Coaching
Community members who are experiencing poverty and want to move their families forward using their own strengths, talents and potential can connect with a trained and certified coach who will help with strategies and resources for addressing the needs of the whole family.
Recognizing that families are unique and need different things at different times, CAP coaches provide support, practical skills, useful tools and linkages to community resources as families work toward greater stability and financial wellness.
Future Story Initiative (FSI) exists to help people build resources, reasons, and relationships in order for them to thrive and move out of poverty. Participants work on achieving the tools necessary to exit poverty by obtaining education and/or employment that leads to increased income. They will learn skills that provide stability for their family including money management, emotional intelligence, and goal setting by attending the “Essential Skills Workshop.” A Family Coach provides ongoing support and coaching as participants work through their plan to leave poverty. FSI engages with the community to support changed mindsets about the causes and cures of poverty.
Essential Skills Workshop has a variety of attendance option to best meet the needs of everyone. An engaging environment of conversations and interactive activities with other community member, allows participants to learn, develop, and practice their plan to exit poverty. Live in person, live virtual, or prerecorded online options are available. One on one coaching with a family coach provides support, accountability, and problem solving while participants are working on their next steps. A coach can answer questions, provide resources, and celebrate successes that are achieved.
For more information about the Future Story Initiative or to sign up for the Essential Skills Workshop Contact a Family Coach today!
North Central Idaho:
Jamie Kearney- (208)798-4189
Gail Lombardi- (208)798-4163
Jesse Quintana- (208)798-4182
Contact Us
Call 208.746.3351 or 800.326.4843 or email for additional information and to determine eligibility of any of these services.
Lewiston office hours: M-F 8:00AM - 5:00PM