Heating Assistance

CAP offers a variety of heating assistance programs designed to assist families who have low incomes with heating fuel bills.
Eligible families can receive benefits paid toward their heating bill, including natural gas, electricity, wood, propane and oil costs. Benefit amounts are determined by total household income, size and historical energy usage and do not require a disconnection or situation where heating fuel is nearly exhausted in order to be received.
Households who have already received energy assistance but who are facing an energy emergency, such as service disconnection or heating fuel being nearly exhausted may also be able to receive additional assistance depending on funding availability and household eligibility. If CAP is unable to help, referrals to other organizations might also be an option.
Contact your local CAP office to determine your eligibility for assistance and to apply.
Apply Today
If you live in Idaho, please download and complete a copy of the Idaho Energy Assistance Application here Idaho Energy Assistance Application, then contact us for instructions on how to submit it or drop it off at your local office.
If you live in Washington, please download and complete a copy of the Washington energy assistance application, then contact us to for instructions on how to submit it.
Contact Us
Contact us by calling your local office (see below, hours vary, please call office directly) or toll-free at 800.326.4843 which reaches the Lewiston office, open M-F 9AM-4PM or by emailing ea@cap4action.org for additional information and to determine eligibility of any of these services.
2024-2025 Income Guidelines by Program
Community Action holiday office closures 2023 & 2024